HFS - Hotel Five Star
HFS stands for Hotel Five Star
Here you will find, what does HFS stand for in Electronics under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hotel Five Star? Hotel Five Star can be abbreviated as HFS What does HFS stand for? HFS stands for Hotel Five Star. What does Hotel Five Star mean?The United States based company is located in United States engaged in electrical/electronic manufacturing industry.
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Alternative definitions of HFS
- Hierarchical Filing System
- Hi Fi Stereo
- Housing And Food Services
- Health Food Store
- Hardware Functionality Scan
- Hamel Flying Saucer
- hierarchical file system
- Hollyburn Family Services
View 102 other definitions of HFS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HOS Home Office Survival
- HIN Home Improvement Network
- HSMTC HSM Tire Company
- HA Humans for Ai
- HWM Healing Waters Ministries
- HPD Human Proof Designs
- HPSI Hydraulic Power Systems Inc.
- HHYC Hebe Haven Yacht Club
- HMS Hammer Medical Supply
- HC Honda of Casper
- HEL Homes of England Ltd.
- HCF Hearing Center Fonio
- HEL Harrods Estates Limited
- HLF The Henry Law Firm
- HIP Hotel International Prague
- HRNL HR Now Ltd
- HHDL Heather Hilliard Design LLC
- HSTTS High Street Textile Testing Services
- HKESL Hong Kong Exhibition Services Ltd
- HNOCC Hotel New Orleans Convention Center